Tall and small must join together to stop the NESE pipeline |
As you may recall on June 5, 2019, the New Jersey Department of Environmental
Protection (DEP) denied crucial permits for the pipeline. However, the denial
was made in a way that left the
door open for the company to
reapply. The company has already
taken advantage of this and on
June 10, 2019, William/Transco
filed a reapplication for the
necessary permits.
The DEP will be accepting public
comments regarding the
reapplication of theproject until
midnight on Friday, August 2. COA
urges everyone to write a letter to the NJDEP asking them to (1) extend the
public comment period by 30 days, (2) hold a public hearing in the Bayshore
area, and (3) to deny this project with prejudice based on the well documented
negative environmental and economic impacts. Comments should be submitted
electronically to joslin.tamagno@dep.nj.gov or steve.olivera@dep.nj.gov at the DEP.
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