Tuesday, May 7, 2024

A “Sweeping” Success: Another Spring Beach Sweeps in the Books!

On April 13, COA rocked Jersey shores and local waterways across the state with its 39th Annual Spring Beach Sweeps. Thousands of volunteers gathered for the windy day to remove litter, collect important data about the debris, and protect the ocean from pollution. This extraordinary event included: a record breaking 81 sites, a record high of 40 Junior Beach Captain volunteers (both returning and new) to assist Beach Captains; and stickers to promote BYOB (“Bring Your Own Bucket”), encouraging volunteers to bring buckets to reduce the use of plastic bags for collecting litter.

A few highlights from the day include:

• A large group of students from Newark swept the beach clean with dozens of volunteers participating in Keyport.

• Some of the ridiculous items found included a sneaker, old figurine, a toy piggy, and a crab trap.

• Perth Amboy’s debut as a Beach Sweeps site was host to a great turnout and a special guest (see photo)!

Waves of thanks to all the dedicated volunteers who participated in the Spring Beach Sweeps; to our dedicated Beach Captains and Jr Beach Captains who organize and manage Sweeps sites; to students and staff at the Marine Academy of Science & Technology (MAST) who assisted with organizing and registration at the Sandy Hook site; MAST student coordinator, Angelina “AJ” Vaclavik, for assisting with Beach Sweeps preparations; Liza Baskin, MAST Marine Research/Oceanography Instructor; National Park Service – Sandy Hook Unit; to the towns who hosted Beach Sweeps and helped support and promote the event; and to the Department of Public Works in each town who help remove the debris collected. COA is grateful for all the commitment, participation, and true-blue support to make the Beach Sweeps program possible. 

Waves of special thanks to the dedicated statewide, countywide, and site sponsors for their support for Beach Sweeps and a debris-free ocean! Representatives and employees from many of the businesses who sponsored participated in Beach Sweeps throughout the state.

Special guest, SpongeBob SquarePants, at the first-time Perth Amboy
Beach Sweeps site with other volunteers

MAST students helped set up for Beach Sweeps registration and welcomed
volunteers at Sandy Hook

Bank of America team members participated at Margate City Beach (pictured),
West Deptford, and Sandy Hook

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