Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Dirty Details: 2023 Beach Sweeps Annual Report Released

What trash did volunteers pick-up from New Jersey’s beaches in 2023? COA released its 2023 Beach Sweeps Report in April. The report includes the latest litter trends, “Dirty Dozen” list (a list of the top 12 items collected), and whackiest items on the “Roster of the Ridiculous.” Despite the inclement weather in 2023, including the first-time ever cancelled Spring Beach Sweeps, 3,664 volunteers braved the elements and removed 176,206 pieces of debris from shores and waterways across the state. Plastic items remain a top ocean offender. 

Highlights from the report:

• 79.16% of debris collected was Plastic, including Foam plastic.

• The top 8 items listed in the “Dirty Dozen” for 2023 are, or are comprised of, single-use plastics.

• Plastic Bottle Caps/Lids topped the “Dirty Dozen” list with 23,788, making up 12.94% of the total debris collected for the year.

• Metal Beverage Cans, totaling 4,106, made the “Dirty Dozen” for the first time since 2008,

• Some items on the “Roster of the Ridiculous” included a small refrigerator, a 1960s manufactured dinosaur toy, and a pregnancy test.

For more data and highlights, including our largest "Roster of the Ridiculous," a new perspective of analyzing the data, Beach Sweeps “Wavemakers,” and more, dive-in deeper at CleanOceanAction.org.

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