Friday, October 13, 2017

REMINDER!!! Mark your calendars! This November 7 is Election Day

Voting is an essential action to help protect the ocean. Do your homework and research where the candidates stand on ocean industrialization or pollution.  In addition, there are state and local ballot questions that will directly impact the environment. Here are the questions for your review that will help or harm water quality.

New Jersey Public  Question #2: The Revenue from Environmental Damage Lawsuits Dedicated to Environmental Projects
“Do you approve amending the Constitution to dedicate all moneys collected by the State relating to natural resource damages in cases of contamination of the environment? The moneys would have to be used to repair, restore, replace, or preserve the State’s natural resources. The moneys may also be used to pay legal or other costs incurred by the State in pursuing its claims”.

This is written fairly straight forward.  The need for this amendment is a result of multiple cases against Exxon for polluting the Passaic River.  Without this limitation, Governor Christie planned to spend only $103 million of the $580 million received on restoration.  The case is being appealed, but clearly funds that are a result of environmental damage should be directed to restore the areas, and payback the legal costs.

Monmouth County Ballot Question: Protect Open Space,
Water, and Floodplains
Everyday we see acres of trees cut for development.  However, it’s not too late to save our remaining open lands, protect our water quality, and ensure our property taxes are kept in check by avoiding overdevelopment.  A newly formed group Save Open Space in Monmouth County has formed for the sole purpose of guaranteeing that sufficient funds are available to protect our dwindling natural resources in Monmouth County. Now is the time for action to protect the remaining natural lands, create urban parks, and ensure recreation opportunities for the public.

Listed as the last question on the ballot, voters are being asked to continue their support through an increased dedication in the annual collection rate that translates to approximately 16 cents to the average taxpayer.  The Monmouth County Open Space Trust Fund provides funding to guarantee residents have permanently preserved lands for recreation, water quality protection, floodplain protection, and to maintain the operations of a nationally accredited park system.  Since its inception in 1989, the Trust Fund has maintained a clean record of public spending. Spending decisions are carefully overseen by a public board with numerous citizen representatives in order to properly use and allocate the fund.   For more information contact Amanda Brockwell, ABrockwell

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